“Beja Glasses” declares itself to be an interim Government in eastern Sudan

The Beja Council in Eastern Sudan has announced the non-recognition of the government of Khartoum or any other central authority, institution or administration that gets its hands on the resources, wealth and freedoms of nature before reaching an agreement between the authority of the region and the government of Sudan.
The Council also announced the formation of an interim ministerial government in Eastern Sudan and that the supreme body of the Council is the region’s customary legislative parliament and that the Sovereign Self-Determination Board with its specialized committees is the interim executive ministerial government. of the region, and that customary land ownership underlies land ownership in the region until the establishment of a deliberative authority Always.
In a statement, he referred to the right of the region’s temporary authority to establish multiple self-governing institutions to govern, administer and manage affairs and to build regular military forces to defend people and rights and to play the security and police role. in the area.
The Supreme Council of the Beja has refused to participate in any settlement or government that takes place before clearing the trampled foreign east path and before the Beja reaches a constitutional political agreement to be signed with the government of Sudan in a separate negotiating forum, the National.
He added: “All of them had the high slander that Beja has a cause and a dark one in first, but we are an alliance of our cause, and we are a call for the rights of our people and our role in protecting, liberating and establishing the Sudanese state is not denied except arrogantly, and we declare as a healer that the Council Supremo dei Beja is not part of the aforementioned alliances and will not. Accept the results of any deal now in course, bilateral or more, unless it includes the Council and the decisions of the Senkat Conference in 2020 ”.
The Council invited the Council’s Revolutionary Escalation Committee, the Secretariat of mediathe Sovereign Authority for Self-Determination and the Youth Secretariat to convene the revolutionary committees in all regions of the region through their representatives on November 15, 2022 in the Red Sea to expand the committees, organize them, reorganize their programs, strengthen their organizational structures, develop a detailed program for the movement and announce the global revolutionary escalation in the region for a very clear goal.
The Political Secretariat has announced the formation of the Sovereign Organ for the self-determination of the Beja, chaired by the Political Secretary, and is a supreme body to make use of the legally guaranteed right to self-determination, which is Resolution no. (11) of the decisions of the Sankat 2020 Conference and, with further consultations with the Council, forces and political leaders, specialized subcommittees will be established which will be announced in following.
It is the implementation of the decisions of the Sankat Conference alone, and the Council said: The rights are taken away and because what was taken by force can only be recovered by force, refusing the Khartoum’s procrastination in carrying out the demands of our people and its insistence on the exclusion of our people, and in compliance with the guaranteed right of self-determination to all peoples of the world, the Supreme Council of Beja – Political Secretariat announces.
The Council of Beja is the sovereign authority recognized by the people of the region and officially delegated by this people in a witnessed social contract in Sankat, and we declare that the supreme body of the Council is the customary legislative parliament of the region, and that the Sovereign Committee for Self-Determination with its specialized committees is the interim executive ministerial government of the region, and that the land monarchy is the customary land monarchy.
Ownership is the basis of land ownership in the region until the establishment of a permanent deliberative authority, on which we declare no opposition.
We are in the government of Khartoum, nor in any other central authority, institution or administration that puts its hand to our natural resources, wealth and freedoms before reaching an agreement between the authority of the region and the government of Sudan.
The Council appealed to all components of the international community and to international human organizations to respect the rights and decisions of the people of Eastern Sudan with regard to their natural right and towards liberation, emancipation and development.