Karim Younes, appointed Mediator of the Republic to ensure respect of citizens’ rights

Karim Younes, appointed on Monday a Mediator of the Republic (Ombudsman) said that this authority will work to ensure the respect of the citizens’ rights by the State institutions and local assemblies, and improve the public service, contributing thus to building a new Algeria.

“The President of the Republic entrusted me with a sensitive mission as he appointed me as a Mediator of the Republic. I am aware of the weight of this mission meant to be a contribution to building a new, more just and equitable Algeria, which will be capable of achieving the aspirations of all the citizens,” Younes told the press following his meeting with President of the Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune.

For Karim Younes, the creation of the Authority “Mediator of the Republic, as a new mechanism of control and organization of the State, proved necessary for its role of mediation and being an instrument the citizens will be able to resort to in the cases relating to rights and liberties by the administrations, State institutions, local assemblies, public service agencies.

All the citizens can resort to the Mediator of the Republic if they think that one of their rights has been breached or even inform of an emergency situation, as part of the Law,” he said.

Explaining the work of the Mediator of the Republic, Karim Younes said outside the questions related to the State security, to the National Defence and the external policy, the Mediator of the Republic can collect all the information he deems essential in the cases he would receive.

Karim Younes committed to work tirelessly to be up to the trust placed in him and fully assume his missions as Mediator of the Republic.

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