Egyptian army is conducting a major maneuver on the western border “Decisive 2020”

Chief of Staff of the Egyptian Armed Forces, General Mohamed Farid, witnessed one of the stages of the “Decisive 2020” maneuver carried out by the formations of the navy, air forces, special forces from the thunderbolt, umbrellas, and maritime special forces in one of the border regions on the western strategic direction of Egypt.

The Chief of Staff of the Egyptian Armed Forces, General Mohamed Farid, witnessed one of the stages of the “Decisive 2020” maneuver carried out by the formations of the navy, air forces, special forces from the thunderbolt, umbrellas, and maritime special forces in one of the border regions on the western strategic direction of Egypt, as part of the combat training plan for formations And the armed forces units in the presence of leaders of the main branches and a number of leaders of the Egyptian armed forces.

The military spokesman for the Egyptian Armed Forces, Brigadier General Staff of Tamer Al-Rifai, said that the stage started with the implementation of a series of concentrated air strikes through a number of multi-mission aircraft for the enemy’s command centers, in conjunction with the implementation of a parachute to secure Ras Al-Shati.

He added that a number of marine units carried out a number of training activities in the framework of the amphibious process against atypical surface targets, which included the implementation of marine artillery shots with various bullets, and the pressure on hostile submarines in their areas of operation by missile depth missiles that hit their targets accurately, which forced them to escape and not threaten the formation Marine.

He continued that groups of the naval special forces carried out a successful raid on a coastal target by using speed boats that were pushed from the Mistral helicopter carrier, while the naval destroyers and frigates continued to launch a number of surface / surface missiles in addition to a submarine launching a deep missile / Surface and the implementation of one of the air configurations to carry out air / surface missile launches, in conjunction with the implementation of a successful operation of the thunderbolt elements on the coast with the arrival of the means of justification on the beach under the cover of air protection and the achieved protection from the means of air defense.

The chief of staff of the Egyptian Armed Forces war inspected the forces that were able to seize the beachhead, and the leaders at all levels discussed the methods of fighting and the most appropriate way to accomplish tasks in the shortest possible time and with minimal losses.

The activities concluded with the launching of naval units of a number of fugitive missiles and fleeing from the destroyers and submarines, and a number of aircraft carried out a series of air strikes focusing on hostile surface targets on the coast and securing the justification carried out.

The Egyptian Chief of Staff conveyed the greetings and appreciation of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, and General Muhammad Zaki, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Minister of Defense and Military Production, and their pride in the effort made by the armed forces men in all the tasks assigned to them.

The statement of the military spokesman for the Egyptian Armed Forces indicated that this maneuver on the western strategic direction is due to the sharp and rapid changes that the region is going through.

Arab Observer

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