Algeria refuses all Arab mediation

Algeria said its decision to suspend diplomatic relations with Morocco was “final” and “irreversible” and warned Arab countries that would like to mediate. With this new situation, Algeria is widening the gap that separates it from other nations a little more.
The surprise decision to sever diplomatic relations with Morocco came on August 25, accusing Rabat of being “hostile” to Algiers, the day after an official outstretched hand from King Mohammed VI to try to improve relations and reopen the borders between the two countries, as well as a proposal for the provision by Rabat of two Canadairs to put out the fires that have ravaged Kabylia.
To the wall
The news had been greeted with great regret in the world and calls for non-escalation had been launched in particular by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, who had invited the two countries “to find a way to go from there. forward towards the restoration of their relations, and to work for peace and stability in the region ”after this gesture highly revealing of the intentions of Algiers towards Rabat.
Since then, countries have offered to mediate between Algeria and Morocco, and the question should also be asked at the regional and continental level. But, on the sidelines of the meeting of Arab foreign ministers and even during consultative meetings before this meeting, Algeria made a point of showing that it was sticking to its positions, thus refusing any reconciliation.
In the face of public opinion and the international community which has been calling for years for the reestablishment of good relations between the two heavyweights of the Maghreb, the game of Algiers would be discovered if the King’s invitation was refused. Thus it was necessary to “invent” false accusations and dubious pretexts to refuse, and the only possible solution in this case was extreme, since Morocco has not stopped calling for dialogue since 2008 and that, despite the Almost daily aggressions from Algiers towards the territorial integrity of Morocco by supporting and nourishing the separatist ideas of an armed group.
And for good reason, after the royal speech on the occasion of the 22 years of the Feast of the Throne, where King Mohammed VI devoted half of his address to the nation to Algeria and to the Algerians where he compared the two countries to twin brothers and recalled with great humility and kindness his commitment to find a solution to all possible areas of contention, the Algerian leaders were up to the wall.
On Friday evening, the Algerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, headed by Ramtane Lamamra, recalled to service and who was asked to move this ministry, published an inflammatory response to all those who would like to be messengers of peace.
“The question of severing diplomatic relations with Morocco is not and will not be on the agenda of the ministerial meeting, and that the decision to sever diplomatic relations will not be discussed. or a deliberation. It is a sovereign, final and irreversible decision ”, declared the Algerian minister.
With this unusual and improbable turn, Algerian diplomacy is effectively heading for Iran, as suggested by the head of Israeli diplomacy, who claimed to have found relations between Algeria and Iran.
Algeria accuses Morocco instead of Israel
This categorical stance towards a neighbor demonstrates not only the hatred for Morocco, hence this historic hostility maintained by a separatist terrorist organization aiming to destabilize Morocco, but it is because Algeria itself is digging its falls and continues to isolate himself on the international scene once again while the initial idea of Abdelmadjid Tebboune, the Algerian president, was to put Algiers back in the concert of nations.
In his absurd justifications, which Morocco rejected by qualifying them as “fallacious pretexts” or even “absurd”, the head of Algerian diplomacy, Ramtane Lamamra accused Morocco of having allowed “the historic enemy” to Algeria (in reference to Israel) to make “hostile statements” against Algeria from its territory.
Israeli Foreign Minister Yaïr Lapid, who was on an official visit to Morocco on August 12, expressed the “concerns” of his country and Morocco about the “role played by Algeria in the region, its rapprochement with Iran. and the campaign it waged against the admission of Israel as an observer member of the African Union ”.
Algeria, which has an unparalleled hatred for Israel, jumped to the ceiling when Morocco restored diplomatic relations with the Hebrew state. Algiers, which is not concerned by this sovereign decision of Morocco, nevertheless felt targeted and threatened by this news given its hostile position vis-à-vis Tel Aviv.
But this decision remains that of Morocco and commits only him, which Algeria does not seem to understand. This event is certainly the main reason for the breakdown of diplomatic relations between the two countries because, so far Algiers has provided only empty excuses to justify its gesture, widely criticized by the international community and especially by the Arab countries which do not want no division.
And while Algeria is meddling in affairs that do not concern it (the diplomatic resumption between Morocco and Israel), it believes that Morocco has tried to destabilize the unity of its population by supporting the Kabyle cause which pleads for its self-determination, in an oral note distributed by the Permanent Representative of Morocco to the United Nations, Omar Hilale.
Algeria “observed restraint in the face of repeated Moroccan hostilities” added Ramtane Lamamra (without being able to give any example), attributing to himself this merit which goes to Morocco which, for almost 50 years has suffered repeated Algerian provocations and has respected the principle of non-interference to the end, by refusing to comment on the health of President Bouteflika, on the illegitimacy of President Abdelmadjid Tebboune, on the situation of Hirak in Algeria, that of human rights, and much other topics.
Algeria has “long favored the values of brotherhood, good neighborliness, non-interference in internal affairs” defended the head of Algerian diplomacy, however, in the face of this one and only gesture of Morocco in support of Kabyles, these are 45 years of Algerian interference in Moroccan affairs, 45 years not only of official support for the Sahrawi separatists of the Polisario, but also of wars launched against Morocco, billions of dollars spent to arm these militias, feed them and try to bribe certain and lobbies to make them adhere to this thesis put together from scratch by Algiers.